Fiddle G Tunes
- Adeline Am out of Std (11/10/20) - Luther Strong
- And The Cat Came Back
- Arrington's Breakdown (02/23/23) - Charlie Arrington via Volos
- Ashby's Breakdown (06/26/17) - John Ashby
- Baby Ben (09/21/15)
- Bacon Rind (10/12/15)
- Barlow Knife (12/24/14)
- Barlow Knife, John Salyer's (07/14/17) - John Salyer
- Bennie Ate A Woodchuck (01/27/20) - via Billy Mathews
- Betty Baker - Melvine Wine (01/29/21)
- The Big Elk - Dan Wallace via Nekosee Fields (02/01/21)
- Billy In The Low Land (04/17/23) - Henry Reed
- Bitter Creek (03/16/17) - Art Stamper
- Blackberry Blossoms (02/02/22) - Dick Burnett
- Black Cat In The Briar Patch (04/24/19) - Melvine Wine
- Black Cat Waltz (09/26/24) - Abby Ladin
- Black Jack Grove (07/27/20) - Lake Porter
- Blake's March (11/27/18) - Norman Blake
- Blue Eyed Suzie (03/19/15)
- Blue Goose (04/27/17) - Buddy Thomas
- Boatman's Delight (04/26/17) - Stripling Brothers
- Bound To Have A Little Fun (05/29/19 - Gusty Wallace
- Brickyard Joe (10/09/20) - Doc Roberts
- Broken Down Gambler (01/28/23) - Skillet Lickers
- Brushy Run (08/17/14) - Ed Haley
- Brushy Run (03/21/16) - Wilson Douglas
- Bryson Higgins' Tune (03/28/18) - via Bob Townsend
- Buffalo Gals - (02/27/18) via Rhys Jones Recording
- Bull Of The Woods (09/01/20) - Paisley Hagood
- Bummer's Reel (01/27/20) - Curtis Cooper via Mark Tamsula
- Butcher's Row (12/24/14)
- Cauliflower (02/29/20) - Jimmy Wheeler
- Chadwell's Station (06/03/16)
- Charlie's Favorite (01/31/24) - Charlie Fulk via Sammy Lind
- Chase The Banshee - Flannagan Brothers via Chirps Smith (04/13/21)
- Chicken And Dumplings (03/21/16) - Trevor and Travis Stuart
- Chicken Found A Pepper (01/27/20) - Floyd Pullen via Billy Mathews
- Chicken In The Garden (05/11/16) - Recording via Spencer and Rains
- Chillicothe Two Step - Lonnie Seymour (05/15/21)
- Cleveland's March To The Whitehouse (03/28/18) - Emmit Lundy
- Climbing The Golden Stairs - (02/27/18)
- Cluck Old Hen - Pug Allen and Ed Weaver via Milner and Koken (05/29/15)
- Cluck Old Hen (01/29/20) - Walter Neal via Mark Tamsula
- Coal Harbor Bend (05/29/15)
- Coker Creek (08/22/17) - Kenny Baker and Blaine Sprouse via Carthy Cisco
- Collins' Dream (12/07/16) - Gary Nelson
- Colored Aristocracy
- Cookhouse Joe (12/22/14)
- Coon Dog (G) (11/28/17) - Buddy Thomas
- Cora Dye (01/29/14)
- Corn In The Crib (11/23/17) - Blaine Smith
- Cornstalk Fiddle and a Shoestring Bow (02/02/18)
- Cotton Eyed Joe (01/04/17)
- Cowhide Boots (04/17/23) - Lyman Enloe
- Cripple Creek - Recording
- Crockett's Honeymoon (04/12/14)
- Cuffy (01/08/15)
- Cumberland Gap (G) (06/03/16)
- Dance All Night With A Bottle In Your Hand (08/20/15)
- Dandy Jim (05/09/21) - Clyde Davenport
- Dandy Lusk (05/12/16) - Fernando Lusk via Spencer and Rains
- Devil Eat The Groundhog (11/21/14)
- Did You Ever See The Devil Uncle Joe (01/02/21) - Cowan Powers
- Doc Corn's Tune (01/08/17) - John Ray Corn via Chirps Smith
- Devil In The Strawstack Am out of Std (10/13/20) - Tommy Jarrell via David Bragger
- Don't Mind The Weather
- Don't You Remember The Time (06/30/15)
- Dortea (12/24/14)
- Double File (05/29/20) - Gaither Carlton
- Down By The Creek (09/07/19) - Jim Childress
- Duck's Eyeball (02/20/16) - Lauchlin Shaw
- Eadle Alley - Melvin Wine (06/01/21)
- Ebenezer (12/16/19)
- Evening Shade (11/06/15)
- Feed My Horse On Corn And Hay (03/02/16) - Buddy Thomas
- Fiddler's Dream (01/04/17) - Cyril Stinnett
- Five Finger Joe (11/06/24) - Gilvert Roy
- Flop Eared Mule (10/09/20) - via Greg Hooven
- Flowers Of Edinburgh (08/21/24) - via Bruce Molskey
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss in G, Frank Blevins (via Rayna Gellert) (01/07/15)
- Flying Clouds (Cotillion) (12/018/18) - Posey Rorer
- Fort Smith (12/24/17) - Sherman Mason
- Fort Smith Breakdown (02/17/16)
- Frost's On The Pumpkin, Fodder's In The Shock (04/17/23) - Mark Tamsula
- Georgia Belle (08/03/20) - Manco Sneed
- Getting Upstairs (11/17/16) - Welsley Chrisson via Spencer and Rains
- Getting Up The Stairs (02/27/17) - Clyde Davenport
- Going Across The Prairie (04/14/20) - Cleo Persinger
- Going Down To Cairo (11/22/15)
- Going To Town (11/20/14)
- Going To Town (03/21/19) - Bob Townsend
- Going Up To Hamburg (03/21/19) - John Hatcher
- Golden Eagle Hornpipe (01/30/16) -
- Golden Ticket (09/26/24) - Eric Merrill
- Goodbye My Little Devis (08/05/16) - Hugh Farr via Spencer and Rains
- Grassy Creek (09/26/24) - Oscar "Red" Wilson
- Green Valley Waltz (06/06/20)
- Grey Eagle (G) (12/04/17) - James Bryan
- Heel And Toe Polka (07/12/20)
- Hell On The Wabash (02/17/14)
- Henry King's Reel (04/27/17) - Trevor Stuart
- Hickory Jack (06/21/16) - Luther Strong
- High Up On Tug (04/21/15)
- Hobb Dye (09/08/20) - Kenny Hall
- Hog Trough Reel (01/27/20)
- Hollow Poplar
- Hooker's Hornpipe
- Hop-Scotch Polka (04/17/23) - Harvey "Pappy" Taylor
- The Horny Ewe (08/15/15) - Ernie Carpenter
- Ida Red (06/09/19) - Ed Haley
- Indian Corn
- Indian Nation (09/15/15) - Burl Hammons
- Indian Squaw (AKA Woodswoman) - Ed Haley via Jason Cade (02/14/21)
- Irish Waltz (08/02/19) - via Rhys Jones
- Irish Washerwoman (Old Time) (09/08/19) - Blaine Smith
- Jaybird Died Of The Whooping Cough - (12/18/19) - John Ashby
- Jeff City AKA Bill Katon's (Caton's) Tune/Hornpipe (05/28/14)
- Jesse Polka (02/27/17)
- Jim Armstead (03/21/19) - via Jimmy Tripplet
- Jimmy In The Swamp - Bob Walters (02/03/21)
- John Brown's March (04/27/17)
- Johnny Come Along (02/11/17) - Clyde Davenport
- Johnny Walk Along With Your Paper Collar On (03/19/15)
- John Riley The Shepherd (04/30/19) - Art Stamper (Am out of std)
- John Robert's Tune
- Jonesboro (11/23/17) - Oscar "Red" Wilson
- Johnson City Rag (05/20/20) - via Eddie Bond
- Josie-O (10/24/14)
- Kansas City Rag (12/02/19)
- Kentucky Winder (02/05/22) - John Salyer via R.Gellert
- Kesh Jig (07/13/16) Recording
- Killie 'ma Crankey (08/26/17) - P.T. Bell
- Kiss Me Waltz
- Laughing Marj (04/16/18) - Jim Mullany
- Leake County Two Step (11/22/15)
- Leather Britches (02/05/22) - Clyde Davenport
- Litchfield (01/28/23) - Pete Priest via Volos
- Little Boy Where'd You Get Your Britches (08/13/15)
- Liza Jane (Goodbye) (07/31/18) - via Foghorn
- Long Cold Winter AKA Cold Winter Night (04/17/23) - Kenny Baker via Carthy Cisco
- Long John (12/24/14)
- Long Way Home (03/08/14)
- Lost Everything (11/12/18) - James Leva
- Lost Girl (10/04/15) - Reece via Bayard via Canotes
- Lost Girl (02/23/16) - John Salyer via Bruce Molsky
- Lost Indian (02/01/20) - Josiah Hall via Mark Tamsula
- Louisville Breakdown (05/21/18) - Bill Monroe via Art Stamper
- The Lucky Trapper (12/10/16) - Andy DeJarlis via C.Walden recording
- Magpie (12/19/19) - Franklin George
- Maine Drag (07/13/16) Recordings
- Mando Frolic (11/05/19) - Dave Earl
- Mary Wants A Lover (07/07/19) - John Ashby
- McCraw's Ford - Recording
- Meriweather (04/21/15)
- Methodist Preacher
- Miller's Reel (11/05/19) - J.P.Fraley
- Mississippi Palisades (08/18/20) - via Chirps Smith
- Moon Behind The Hill (06/23/16) - Melvin Wine
- Mountain Hornpipe (11/27/20) - Jehile Kirkhuff
- Mouth Of The Tobique (08/30/16)
- Mr. Barwick's Tune Recording (07/22/15)
- Nail That Catfish To A Tree
- Nancy Rowland (03/08/14)
- New Broom - Clyde Davenport (05/08/21)
- New Nashville (12/15/20) - Charlie McCarroll
- Old Aunt Jenny With Her Night Cap On (09/21/14)
- Old Beech Leaves (07/20/17) - Sid Hudnall
- Old Billy Hell (03/29/17) - Estil Bingham
- Old Blind Sow Stole The Midlin (02/17/14)
- Old Blue Mule (04/17/23) - Bob Holt
- Old Blue Tick (02/23/23) - August Merrill via James Bryan
- Old Buck (04/24/19) - Tommy Jarrell
- Old Chattanooga (09/17/17) - Blaine Smith
- Old Corn Liquor (Cross G) (03/05/20) - Joe Thompson
- Old Granny Blair (01/02/21) - Estill Bingham
- Old Folks Played and the Young Folks Danced (07/21/15)
- Old Hometown Band (05/13/19) - Bayard
- Old Mose (03/08/14)
- Old Mother Flannigan (12/24/14)
- Old Number Third (01/27/20) - A.J. Hogg via Mark Tamsula
- Old Sledge - Recording
- Old Time Billy In The Lowground (09/11/20) - Kelly Gilbert via the Canotes
- Old Time Blackberry Blossom (06/21/16) - Melvin Wine
- Old Yellow Dog Come Trotting Through The Meeting House (12/24/17)
- Old Time Irish Washerwoma (09/08/19) - Blaine Smith
- One Eyed Goose (02/27/17) - Chris Romaine Recording
- Oopick Waltz (02/01/19) - Frankie Rodgers
- Ora Lee (07/31/15) - Edward Winters via James Bryan
- Pat 'Em On The Back (02/23/23) - Snake Chapman
- Patty On The Turnpike (01/17/18) - Sarah Armstrong
- Pateroller In A Pear Tree (06/06/20) - Gaither Carlton
- Peas In The Pot (12/23/21) - Clyde Davenport
- Pete and Nancy (12/12/19) - Fletcher Fulk
- Piney Woods Gal (12/24/14)
- Polly Put The Kettle On (06/08/20) - Marcus Martin
- Possum On A Rail (09/12/14)
- Possum Up A Gum Stump
- Pumpkin Vine (04/17/23) - Jimmy Wheeler
- Prettiest Little Girl In The County (08/31/16) - Clyde Davenport, Tom Fuller
- Putner's Run (02/17/21) - Estill Adams
- Rabbit In The Grass (12/24/17) - Bill Driver
- Rebels Raid (01/25/17) - William H. Stepp
- Red Apple Rag (12/24/14)
- Red Fox (01/18/19) - Henry Reed
- Right Foot Left Foot (07/08/19) - John Meighen
- Rainy Day, Am out of Std (01/09/20) - Melvin Wine
- Rat's Gone To Rest - George Hawkins (05/10/21)
- Roaring River (04/26/14)
- Rock All The Babies To Sleep (11/06/24) - Lonnie Robertson
- Roscoe (10/07/21) - Kyle Creed
- Roses In The Morning - Clyde Davenport
- Round The Horn (04/17/23) - Jay Unger
- Running Through The Rain To Keep Your Hair Dry - Mark Tamsula (02/03/21)
- Saddle Up The Grey (03/08/15)
- Sail Away Ladies (03/25/17) - Kenny Baker
- Sail Away Ladies (03/25/17) - Earl/Max Collins
- Sail Away Ladies (10/12/18) - Luther Davis
- Sail Away Ladies (03/25/17) - J.P. Fraley
- Sally (Sal) Will You Marry Me - Melvin Wine (02/01/21)
- Sam Hill (10/18/15) - Ralph Whited via James Bryan
- Sandy River Belle (11/17/20) - Charlie LaPrade
- Seneca Square Dance (07/27/20) - Sam Long
- Shag Poke (07/09/20) - Dwight Lamb
- Sheeps And Hogs Walking Through The Pasture (09/17/17) - Buddy Thomas
- Shelvin Rock (12/24/14) - Edden Hammons
- Sherburns Breakdown - Recordings
- Shipping Port (02/08/16)
- Shoefly (01/28/23) - Marvin Gastor via Rich Hartness
- Shoes and Stockings
- Shove the Pigs' Foot a Little Further Into The Fire
- Sinking Ship (07/13/16) Recording
- Snow Deer (12/24/14)
- Sooka Flanagan (10/07/21) - Sooka Flanagan
- Springfield Girl - Eddie Kennedy (08/19/21)
- Squirrel Hunters (Am out of Std)
- Steamboat Round The Bend (12/23/19) - Bob Walters
- Stonewall Jackson (10/12/14)
- Stranger On A Mule (07/18/15)
- Stump-Tailed Dog (05/24/18) - Howard Sims via Chirps Smith
- Stumptown Stomp (03/19/15)
- Submarine Jig (12/14/16) - Joseph Allard via C.Walden recording
- Sugarbaby (02/27/20) - Melvin Wine
- Sugar In My Coffee (10/12/14)
- Sugar Tree Stomp (02/19/20) - Arthur Smith via Trevor Stuart
- Swamp Cat Rag (10/05/16) - Lowe Stokes
- Sweet Jenny (01/23/17) - Palmer Loux
- Sycamore Shoals (01/23/17) - Palmer Loux
- Sycamore Tea (02/21/20) - Smathers Family via Trevor Stuart
- Tater Blossom (02/17/14)
- Tea Bag Blues (12/24/14) - Hank Bradley
- Ten Cents (12/19/19) - Jim Reed
- Tennessee Breakdown (04/16/18) - via Brad Leftwich
- Texas Barb Wire (04/23/18) - Warren Raley via Kenny Hall
- Third Of July (08/21/24) - Miller Wikel via Volos
- Tie Your Dog, Sally Gal (10/16/20) - Will Adams
- Tombigbee Waltz (02/06/2) - via James Bryan
- Too Late For The Bacon (06/23/20) - Jane Rothfield
- Trumpy's Hoedown
- Turkey Buzzard (01/02/21) - Cecil Plum
- Turkey Gobbler - Buddy Thomas (06/01/21)
- Two O-Clock (07/07/19) - Charlie Acuff
- Waldorf's Reel (09/06/17) - Gus Meade
- Walk Along John (06/23/20) - Luke Highnight via Charlie Walden
- Walking The Water (11/26/21) - Marcus Martin
- Walnut Gap (10/04/17) - Snake Chapman
- Warfield (10/18/17) - Riley Perry
- Waves On The Ocean (08/17/14)
- Waynsboro (03/15/15)
- Weaver's Knob - Bob Rogers (04/13/21)
- Westphalia Waltz (11/06/24) - via Pete Sutherland
- Whistlebee (10/03/17) - D. Dix Hollis
- Whistling Rufus (06/30/16)
- White Buffalo (11/06/24) - Fatty Morin via Jamie Fox
- Wild Shoat (10/22/17) - Mack Blalock via James Bryan
- Willow On The Lake (04/23/18) - Rayna Gellert
- Wink The Other Eye
- You're So Sweet (09/07/19) - Jim Childress